The Product

The System-3 simulation-based, leadership assessment focuses on contextual decision-making, yielding a clear and accurate picture of how people perform at work.

How it Works

System-3’s Leadership Simulation leverages proprietary simulation technology and benchmark data, along with leading-edge industrial-organizational psychology,  creating a new paradigm for the understanding and assessment of human capital.​

Video Simulation

An immersive and engaging simulation presents participants with complex,  real-world business challenges drawn from extensive interviews with a diverse set of leading C-suite executives and measures how participants navigate and respond. This situational judgement test more closely resembles actual executive decision-making and the associated underlying tradeoffs, providing stronger predictive power and a better understanding of leadership performance.

Analysis and Reporting

Analysis of the results yields deep insights into decision-making ​processes, leadership style, and potential. A report referencing the S-3 BenchmarkTM, a unique, proprietary and  unbiased benchmark of leadership performance, as well as  relevant customized  benchmarking (e.g., cross-industry, sector/organization-specific) provide clear, actionable insights to optimize decision making.​

The Science

System-3’s Leadership Simulation was developed by a team of industrial-organizational psychology experts, based on extensive leadership science and has been validated through a series of validity and reliability studies.

​​The System-3 Leadership Simulation  measures the essential  leadership competencies for executive success. All the competencies are predictive of leadership performance, linked to leadership KPIs and thoroughly screened for bias.​


  • Validity by design based on extensive review of over 500 top academic studies
  • Leadership Competency Framework rigorously validated through a series of validity and reliability studies and continuous monitoring
  • Leadership Competency relevance confirmed with industry leaders
  • Proven in action with clients

Simulation Technology

  • Hard to cheat due to forced ranking and no singular ideal response (10,000+ possible answers)
  • Stronger correlation to job performance
  • Greater predictive power
  • Superior candidate experience

Bias Mitigation

  • Leadership Competency Framework screened for bias
  • Data indicates no evidence of adverse impact, all groups perform similarly within the simulation
  • S-3 BenchmarkTM  derived from a diverse set of high performing executive leaders